Hello world!

Ja well, lets maar leave the title as it is……Hello World!  So I’ve started my blog, spend some time trying to make it look the way I want it.  I’ll probably learn to change more with time.  But for now I think I’m fairly happy.

My only frustration is this laptop’s screen resolution and size.  It means that WordPress pushes everything on top of each other, so for at least half of my post, I am typing blind.  So please excuse any grammer errors.

So I wanted to give my blog a meaningful name and came up with Languishluce…..the verdict is still out but I think I like it, *smiles sweetly*

Definitions of “languish” are quite morbid and not necessarily my state of mind per se, but I could identify with the words

“To become downcast or pine away in longing”

“We languish under disease…”

“To pine or sink under sorrow or any continued passion; as, a woman languishes for the loss of her lover”..or child 0r dream.

” To look with softness or tenderness, as with the head reclined and a peculiar cast of the eye.”

Sometimes we just languish, yanno!  Despite our best efforts to keep it together and keep up a brave face, we languish! 

It also appeals to me in that it captures the place a foster child is in when they come into our care and we embark on a journey with them out of that place and into a place of meaning and purpose and in doing so we too lift ourselves, by the grace and comfort of God to a place where we can smile contently.

Beauty in hardship!

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